Normal delivery
Normal birth is a physiological process during which the fetus, fetal membranes and placenta are naturally expelled from the uterus, relatively quickly and without lasting consequences for the child or the mother. If there are no signs of impending labor, transport...
Normalni porod
Normalni porod je fiziološki proces tijekom kojeg se fetus, fetalne ovojnice i posteljica prirodno izbacuju iz maternice, relativno brzo i bez trajnih posljedica za dijete ili majku. Ako nema znakova nadolazećeg poroda, prevezite trudnicu u bolnicu. Ako postoje...
Drowning in children
Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children. The highest-risk groups are children under the age of five and males aged 15 to 19. What is Drowning? Drowning is defined as an event that occurs due to submersion in a liquid medium, resulting in respiratory...