Basic life support procedures
Basic life support procedures Check for safety before approaching an injured person. Determine if there are any hazards such as fire, landslides, floods, hazardous gases, etc. Assess the injured person’s consciousness by gently shaking both shoulders and asking...
Osnovni postupci održavanja života
Osnovni postupci održavanja života Provjerite sigurnost prije nego što priđete ozlijeđenoj osobi. Utvrdite postoje li opasnosti poput požara, klizišta, poplava, opasnih plinova itd. Procijenite svijest ozlijeđene osobe laganim trestanjem oba ramena i glasnim pitanjem:...
Maintaining an open and accessible airway in injured persons
Maintaining an open and patent airway is considered a priority procedure by emergency medical teams when caring for injured persons, especially when cervical spine injury is suspected. In such cases, the standard method of opening the airway by lifting the chin and...