Care after intubation (12.)

Care after intubation (12.)

After securing the airway and stabilizing the endotracheal tube, post-intubation care for the patient begins. This care includes continuous monitoring of vital parameters, administration of drugs to maintain the patient’s level of consciousness and neuromuscular...
Care after intubation (12.)

Skrb nakon intubacije (12.)

Nakon osiguravanja dišnih putova i stabilizacije endotrahealne cijevi, počinje post-intubacijska skrb za pacijenta. Ova skrb uključuje kontinuirano praćenje vitalnih parametara, primjenu lijekova za održavanje razine svijesti pacijenta i neuromuskularne blokade, te...
Intubation (11.)

Intubation (11.)

Endotracheal intubation is a procedure to manage and secure the airway by placing an endotracheal tube directly into the trachea. It is also the most reliable airway securing technique that completely secures the airway and enables optimal ventilation and oxygenation...