Eye injuries by chemical means
What to do in case of an eye injury caused by chemicals and how to wash the eyes: Remove the injured person who has been exposed to the chemicals from the contaminated area. If the person is unconscious, follow the specific instructions on the product label. If he...
Ozljede oka kemijskim sredstvima
Što učiniti u slučaju ozljede oka uzrokovane kemikalijama i kako isprati oči: Uklonite ozlijeđenu osobu koja je bila izložena kemikalijama iz kontaminiranog područja. Ako je osoba bez svijesti, slijedite posebne upute na etiketi proizvoda. Ako preporučuje korištenje...
Influenza is not an ordinary cold, but a serious illness with main symptoms – high fever, fever, headache, myalgia… which prevail over respiratory symptoms. The respiratory system is affected by this extremely contagious virus whose incubation period...