Use of a nasal catheter

Use of a nasal catheter

On the nasal catheter, oxygen flows from 1 l/min to a maximum of 6 l/min, achieving oxygen concentrations in the range of 24-44%. It is usually not suitable for unstable patients in emergency situations because high oxygen concentrations cannot be achieved. Equipment:...
Use of a nasal catheter

Primjena nazalnog katetera

Na nazalnom kateteru, kisik teče od 1 l/min do maksimalno 6 l/min, postižući koncentracije kisika u rasponu od 24-44%. Obično nije pogodna za nestabilne pacijente u hitnim situacijama jer visoke koncentracije kisika ne mogu biti postignute. Oprema: Osobna zaštitna...
Application of oxygen

Application of oxygen

The use of oxygen in medicine refers to the process of providing additional oxygen to patients who have a reduced amount of oxygen in their blood or have difficulty breathing. This is a common practice in medicine and can be applied in different ways depending on the...