Maintaining airway patency
Airway maintenance refers to the continuous efforts and techniques used to ensure that a person’s airway remains clear and open, allowing for efficient breathing. This is critical in a variety of healthcare settings, especially during emergency situations when...
Održavanje prohodnosti dišnih putova
Održavanje prohodnosti dišnih putova odnosi se na kontinuirane napore i tehnike koje se primjenjuju kako bi se osiguralo da dišni put osobe ostane čist i otvoren, omogućavajući učinkovito disanje. To je ključno u različitim zdravstvenim postavkama, posebno tijekom...
Administration of oxygen with a tank mask
Using oxygen with a reservoir mask it is possible to achieve oxygen concentrations in the range of 85-100%. The one-way valves on the mask allow the patient to inhale only oxygen or a gas mixture from the mask, therefore it is essential to completely fill the...