Nasopharyngeal tube
A nasopharyngeal tube can be placed in patients who are not in deep unconsciousness, and its use can save lives in conditions of trismus, facial injuries, or insufficient mouth opening when it is impossible to place an oropharyngeal tube. There is a lower likelihood...
Nazofaringealni tubus
Nazofaringealni tubus može se postaviti kod pacijenata koji nisu u dubokoj nesvijesti, a njezina uporaba može spasiti živote u uvjetima trizmusa, ozljeda lica ili nedostatnog otvaranja usta kada nije moguće postaviti orofaringealni tubus. Postoji manja vjerojatnost da...
Oropharyngeal tube, procedure
Equipment Protective gear, protective gloves, protective mask, and goggles Aspirator with the appropriate suction tubing and container • Oropharyngeal tubes of different sizes • Magill’s forceps Procedure Apply personal protective measures Stand beside the...