

RSI (Rapid Sequence Intubation) is a rare and highly critical procedure with the potential for serious complications. The main feature of any good program is the continuous assurance of quality. The purpose of a qualifier is to enable competent authorities to...


Intubacija u brzom slijedu, RSI (Rapid Sequence Intubation) je rijedak i iznimno važan postupak s potencijalom za ozbiljne komplikacije. Glavna karakteristika svakog dobrog programa je kontinuirano osiguranje kvalitete. Svrha kvalifikatora je omogućiti nadležnim...
I-gel, supraglottic airway device

I-gel, supraglottic airway device

If a i-gel, supraglottic airway device is being placed during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, it is very important not to interrupt chest compressions for this purpose. Airway management procedures should be performed simultaneously with chest compressions. After...
Nasopharyngeal tube procedure

Nasopharyngeal tube procedure

Equipment Protective gear – protective gloves, a protective mask, and goggles Aspirator with the corresponding suction tube and container Nasopharyngeal tubes of various sizes Procedure Apply personal protective measures. Position yourself above the...