Mechanical Transport Ventilators
Mechanical ventilation (MV) involves the use of a mechanical machine to partially support or completely replace a patient’s ventilation. Since respiration is defined as the exchange of gases in the lungs and ventilation as the exchange of gas mixtures into and out of...
Mehanički transportni ventilatori
Mehanička ventilacija (MV) je primjena mehaničkog stroja radi djelomične potpore ili potpune zamjene ventilacije pacijenta. Kako je definicija respiracije izmjena plinova u plućima, a ventilacije izmjena plinske smjese u pluća i iz pluća jasno je da u terminologiji...
Characteristics of difficult breathing in children
Difficult breathing in children can be a sign of various issues and requires careful evaluation by a healthcare professional. The characteristics of difficult breathing in children may vary depending on the cause, but they can include the following: Retractions:...