Burns in children
Burns are one of the most common injuries in children and can range from mild to very severe. Prompt and appropriate response to burns can significantly affect the outcome of the injury. In this text, we will explore the causes, assessment, treatment, and prevention...
Opekline kod djece
Opekline su jedna od najčešćih ozljeda kod djece i mogu varirati od blagih do vrlo ozbiljnih. Pravovremena i ispravna reakcija na opekline može značajno utjecati na ishod ozljede. U ovom tekstu razmotrit ćemo uzroke, procjenu, liječenje i prevenciju opeklina kod...
Diagnostic Procedures for Poisoning in Children
Diagnosing poisoning in children requires a prompt and precise approach to identify the cause and initiate appropriate treatment. Here are the steps typically involved in the diagnostic procedure for poisoning in children: Medical History (Anamnesis) Identification of...