Using a pocket mask
A pocket mask is an aid that we use during resuscitation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation if equipment for advanced airway maintenance is not available. It is ideal when used by people who are not medical professionals, i.e. lay people. The mask is transparent to...
Korištenje džepne maske
Džepna maska je pomagalo koje koristimo tijekom reanimacije kod srčano-plućnog oživljavanja ako oprema za napredno održavanje dišnih putova nije dostupna. Idealna je kada je koriste osobe koje nisu medicinskog stručnog profila, odnosno laici. Maska je prozirna kako bi...
Assisted ventilation with mask and self-expanding balloon
Assisted ventilation with a mask and self-expanding balloon usually refers to a method of providing breathing support to a patient, often during medical emergencies. Here is an explanation of the components and procedures involved in this technique: Assisted...