Preoxygenation (7.)
Even during the preparation of the patient, equipment, devices and supplies for the patient, we begin to perform pre-oxidation via a mask with an oxygen tank, providing 100% oxygen for three to five minutes before the intubation procedure. Proper preoxygenation will...
Procedure Intubation in rapid succession (6.)
Although the name of this technique, the “Rapid Sequence Intubation Procedure,” suggests the rapid administration of drugs, the procedure itself is not rapid; it requires a certain amount of time. We’ve broken down this advanced airway management...
Contraindications for intubation in rapid succession (5.)
Contraindications for intubation in rapid succession are relative and depend on a number of factors such as clinical circumstances. The use of certain drugs may be contraindicated due to the risk of potential side effects of the drug being administered, the...
Risk assessment for RSI (4.)
When considering the risk associated with Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI), several factors should be evaluated before proceeding with this airway management technique. RSI is a high-risk procedure that carries potential dangers and complications, so a thorough risk...