

Convulsions that occur in children, usually between six months and five years of age, are associated with a high fever but not caused by an acute infection of the central nervous system. A sudden rise in body temperature, often due to upper respiratory or...
Airway obstruction

Airway obstruction

Obstruction of the airways by a foreign body in children often occurs. It usually happens during feeding or play. Suspect airway obstruction if you witness the event or if symptoms such as coughing, choking or vomiting suddenly appear. In such a situation, it is best...
Recognition of a life-threatening child 2

Recognition of a life-threatening child 2

Breathing assessment includes: Breathing rate Tidal volume Breathing effort (use of accessory respiratory muscles) Oxygenation Breathing efficiency (symmetry of chest lift) Rapid breathing in children at rest can be caused by: Respiratory problems Lung problems...
Identification of a life-threatening child 1

Identification of a life-threatening child 1

Recognizing a life-threatening child, since the survival rate of cardiac arrest in children is often low, it is extremely important to recognize the signs of life-threatening situations in time. Recognizing the symptoms and signs of a serious condition is more...