Hyperthermia in children

Hyperthermia in children

Children are at high risk for temperature-related disorders in hot environments. This can range from mild heat exhaustion to severe, potentially fatal heat stroke. Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable because of their underdeveloped thermoregulatory...
Hyperthermia in children

Hipertermija kod djece

Djeca su u visokom riziku za poremećaje povezane s temperaturom u vrućim okruženjima. To može ići od blage iscrpljenosti od vrućine do ozbiljnog, potencijalno smrtonosnog toplotnog udara. Dojenčad i mala djeca, zbog svojih nedovoljno razvijenih centara za...


Convulsions that occur in children, usually between six months and five years of age, are associated with a high fever but not caused by an acute infection of the central nervous system. A sudden rise in body temperature, often due to upper respiratory or...


Konvulzije koje se javljaju kod djece, obično između šest mjeseci i pet godina života, povezane su s visokom temperaturom, ali ne uzrokovane akutnom infekcijom središnjeg živčanog sustava. Nagli porast tjelesne temperature, često zbog infekcija gornjih dišnih puteva...
Airway obstruction

Airway obstruction

Obstruction of the airways by a foreign body in children often occurs. It usually happens during feeding or play. Suspect airway obstruction if you witness the event or if symptoms such as coughing, choking or vomiting suddenly appear. In such a situation, it is best...
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