EMS portal
![HMS OKRUGLI LOGO](https://hitnapomoc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/HMS-OKRUGLI-LOGO.png)
Emergency Medical Service portal (EMS)
Emergency Medical Service portal provides information on the treatment of seriously injured and suddenly ill persons, provides new knowledge and care skills, is intended for emergency services, students, doctors of medicine, nurses and technicians, and lay people.
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Complications during childbirth
If complications arise during childbirth, it is important to take the mother to the hospital as soon as possible and try to solve the problems that have arisen. Here are some common complications that can occur during childbirth: Seizures in the mother: Seizures are...
Childbirth is a physiological process during which the fetus, fetal membranes and placenta are expelled from the uterus. A normal birth is considered any birth that occurs naturally, quickly and without consequences for the child and the mother. Childbirth is divided...
Normal delivery
Normal birth is a physiological process during which the fetus, fetal membranes and placenta are naturally expelled from the uterus, relatively quickly and without lasting consequences for the child or the mother. If there are no signs of impending labor, transport...
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