Preoxygenation (7.)

Even during the preparation of the patient, equipment, devices and supplies for the patient, we begin to perform pre-oxidation via a mask with an oxygen tank, providing 100% oxygen for three to five minutes before the intubation procedure.

Proper preoxygenation will allow several minutes of apnea before hypoxia occurs. In cases of urgency and sudden deterioration of the patient’s condition, preoxygenation can be replaced by administration of eight high-quality breaths of 100% oxygen via a reservoir bag mask.

When the patient is sufficiently preoxidized, there is no need for forced preoxidation before intubation.

Ventilating the patient with a mask and self-inflating bag should be avoided, and this technique should only be used in case of failed intubation attempts. Ventilation with a mask and a self-inflating bag should be carried out with the application of pressure on the cricoid cartilage or only in exceptional cases when the patient is unable to breathe independently. Pressure on the cricoid cartilage is only applied to unconscious patients.

Mask and self-inflating bag ventilation in unprepared patients can lead to gastric distension, regurgitation and increased risk of aspiration of gastric contents.


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