Neuromuscular relaxants

Neuromuscular relaxants are a group of drugs used to induce muscle relaxation in patients during general anesthesia or intubation. These drugs act on the neuromuscular junctions, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles and causing temporary muscle paralysis.

There are two main categories of neuromuscular relaxants:

Depolarizing neuromuscular relaxants: This group includes drugs such as suxamethonium (succinylcholine). Depolarizing relaxants work by causing rapid depolarization of neuromuscular junctions, leading to short-term muscle paralysis. They have a rapid onset of action, but their action is relatively short-lived. Non-depolarizing neuromuscular relaxants: This group includes drugs such as rocuronium, vecuronium, atracurium and others. Non-depolarizing relaxants work by competitively blocking acetylcholine receptors on muscle cells, preventing acetylcholine from causing muscle contraction. They have a longer duration of action than depolarizing relaxants. Neuromuscular relaxants are administered under strict medical supervision, usually intravenously. Administration of these drugs requires monitoring of neuromuscular function to ensure adequate muscle relaxation and airway protection during procedures such as intubation.

It is important to note that neuromuscular relaxants should be administered under the supervision of professional medical personnel with experience in the use of these drugs, as they may be associated with certain risks and complications.


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