
Hyperthermia is a condition that occurs as a result of high temperatures or prolonged exposure to heat. It disrupts the body’s ability to regulate temperature, due to which the body loses its natural cooling ability. Some medical conditions can reduce sweating, increasing the risk of hyperthermia.


  • Headache and dizziness
  • Fatigue and discomfort
  • Sweating (which can be debilitating, but not always)
  • Hot, red and dry skin
  • Fast and irregular pulse (160-180/min)
  • Increased body temperature above 40°C (104°F)
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Loss of consciousness or seizures

It is extremely important to lower the patient’s body temperature as soon as possible and take them to the hospital. If not treated promptly, hyperthermia can result in permanent damage or death. Call emergency medical services.


  • Lower body temperature
  • Move the patient to a cooler place
  • Remove as much clothing as possible and wrap the patient in damp, cool sheets until the temperature drops (or immerse them in a cold bath, stream, etc.)
  • Keep sheets or clothing moist and cool at all times until the temperature drops to 38ºC under the tongue or 37.5ºC under the armpit
  • When the temperature drops, replace the wet sheets with dry ones and continue to monitor the temperature until the arrival of emergency services (until the arrival of emergency medical services).
  • Monitor vital signs (pulse, breathing and temperature)
  • If the temperature rises again, repeat the cooling process
  • If the person loses consciousness or stops breathing, start the basic medical aid algorithm


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