Hyperglycemia, increased level of glucose in the blood

Hyperglycemia, increased blood glucose level, first aid for hyperglycemia, i.e. elevated blood sugar level, includes providing support and seeking medical help if necessary. Here are some general steps to consider:

  1. Recognizing Symptoms: Symptoms of hyperglycemia may include excessive thirst, frequent urination, dry mouth, fatigue, blurred vision, fruity breath odor, and confusion. If someone with a known diagnosis of diabetes or high blood sugar levels is experiencing these symptoms, hyperglycemia may be a possibility.
  2. Offer water: Encourage the person to drink water to prevent dehydration. Staying hydrated can help dilute excess blood sugar.
  3. Monitor blood sugar levels: If the person has a blood glucose monitor, help them check their blood sugar levels. This can provide valuable information to determine the severity of hyperglycemia.
  4. Encourage insulin use: If a person has diabetes and is prescribed insulin therapy, ensure that they receive the appropriate dose of insulin as directed by their healthcare provider. This should be in accordance with their specific treatment plan.
  5. Get medical help: If a person’s blood sugar level continues to be high or if they experience more severe symptoms such as vomiting, extreme weakness or confusion, it is important to call for medical help or take them to the nearest health facility. Health professionals can provide the necessary treatment and instructions.

It is important to note that first aid measures are intended to provide immediate support, but long-term management of hyperglycemia should be managed by healthcare professionals. People with diabetes should work closely with their healthcare team to develop a comprehensive diabetes management plan and follow it consistently to prevent and manage episodes of hyperglycemia.


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