Contraindications for intubation in rapid succession (5.)

Contraindications for intubation in rapid succession are relative and depend on a number of factors such as clinical circumstances. The use of certain drugs may be contraindicated due to the risk of potential side effects of the drug being administered, the patient’s condition and/or known comorbidities.

If the patient is breathing spontaneously and has adequate ventilation and oxygenation, “Rapid Sequence Intubation” is contraindicated in the field.

If, during the examination and risk assessment, the physician anticipates difficult intubation or inability to ventilate with an automatic balloon inflation mask, this technique should not be chosen. In this context, it is important to emphasize that the experience of both the doctor and the entire emergency medical team is an important decision-making factor.

Causes of difficult self-inflation mask ventilation may include:

  • An appropriately sized mask that does not fit properly to the face.
  • Obesity, pregnancy, airway obstruction.
  • Patients with weakened muscle tone of the upper respiratory system.
  • Ventilation can be challenging in edentulous patients.
  • Patients who snore or have lung diseases (COPD, asthma, ARDS, sleep apnea).


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